Legal Notice, GDPR and Cookies Policy

Crystal Property Spain S.L. (from here on, Crystal) is the business that owns the portal or website which you have accessed.

Access to the portal or any of the websites of Crystal and to the information about any of the products and services contained in it entails acceptance of the general conditions laid down in this Legal Notice. This is why you must read its contents carefully if you want to access and make use of the information and services offered about the portal or websites of Crystal.

The information contained on these pages is valid on and from and date of their last updating. Crystal reserves the right to modify them at any time, in which case these changes will enter into force on their publication and will be applicable to all users of the portal or websites from this date.

The contents of any of the web pages, especially information and advertising references, make up no binding offer, unless explicitly indicated otherwise. Crystal reserves the right to introduce modifications or omit in part or fully the current contents whenever it deems appropriate and to prevent or restrict access temporarily or permanently.

Crystal can include on any of its website’s contents from third parties and links to web pages of third parties, always with the authorisation of their owners, as well as links to social networks and other information. In none of these cases will Crystal be responsible for the pages and contents of third parties or for their operation and availability.

Navigation and personalisation

Simple navigation through the websites of Crystal is free and does not require the user to register beforehand. Nevertheless, access or the use of some products and services may require user registration.

Privacy and data protection policy [GDPR]

Crystal Property Spain S.L. confirms their Company fully complies with all elements of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679

In compliance with current legislation on the Protection of Personal Data, Crystal hereby informs that there is a database which they are responsible for, for the purpose of maintaining and managing the contractual relationship with the client, as indicated in the General Terms herein. The Client hereby grants their consent to Crystal to use the information provided for statistical purposes and or to share it with the other licensees of the single network, in this case exclusively for purposes directly related to the main object of this commissioning and is aware that this information may be shared with surveillance and control authorities. 

Crystal will not create a profile or make any automated decisions with the personal data provided by the Client.  Personal data will be stored for as long as the contractual relationship is maintained and, subsequently, for the time necessary to comply with legal obligations and to meet any possible liabilities that may arise from the fulfillment of the purpose for which the data were collected. The personal data collected will be shared with the companies of the Crystal group of companies, as well as with potential purchasers, advertising media and other possible recipients of complementary services to the tasks indicated.

The rights of access, rectification, erasure, and portability of personal data, as well as the right of objection and limitation of their processing may be exercised by writing to Crystal at the following e-mail address,, attaching a copy of the holder's ID card or equivalent document. Company name: CRYSTAL PROPERTY SPAIN, S.L. C.I.F.: B-72396492. Registered address: calle Aldebarán, 3, Urb La Alcayna, 30507 Molina de Segura, Murcia. Contact email: You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a Supervisory Authority by contacting the Spanish Data Protection Agency if you consider that a breach of data protection legislation has been committed in relation to the processing of your personal data. 

The Parties hereby designate the addresses indicated at the beginning of this agreement as the address for notification purposes. In addition, for all notifications related to the marketing of the property, the Client gives their permission for notifications to be sent to the telephone number and or e-mail address provided. The Client agrees to only have dealings whether written or oral with Crystal in respect of viewings, sales, clients and matters arising.

Legal Notice

The present general conditions will be governed by Spanish law.

All contracts will be available in two versions, Spanish and English. In the event of any discrepancy, the version written in Spanish shall prevail over the version written in English, the English contract being transcribed into Spanish, where necessary, and the signatures of the original document remain as validation. 

Crystal has adopted the technical measures needed to maintain the requisite level of security, depending on the nature of the personal data processed and the circumstances of the processing, with the aim of avoiding, as far as possible and always depending on the state of the technology, unauthorised disturbance, loss, processing or access.

Cookies policy

The web pages of Crystal use cookies, which are small data files that are stored in the user or customer’s computer and allow our systems to remember characteristics or preferences of his/her navigation through our web pages. The cookies can then be used to personalise access on follow-up visits, make navigation more secure, collect statistical information on the navigation done and discover user preferences.

The cookies policy of Crystal is subject to the EU and Spanish regulations in force concerning personal data processing and to the protection of privacy in electronic communications. By virtue of this, Crystal will inform users of the cookies it deploys on each website and, when necessary, will request the user’s consent to their deployment.

Mobile portals and geolocation

Some of the web pages of Crystal are adapted for use in mobile devices, for which reason the presentation and contents of the various mobile applications may not coincide or reflect precisely those of the portal or the various websites.

In addition, some of the web pages adapted for mobile devices or some applications may possess geolocation functions, in order to determine at all times, the location of the mobile whenever the user turns on the function. Access to these services will need the user to turn on the geolocation function on his/her mobile, which can then be deactivated at any time.

Intellectual policy

The portal and web pages of Crystal, the pages that it contains and the information and contents of them include texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic items, data bases and computer programs, as well as logos, brands, commercial names and other distinctive signs, that are protected by intellectual or industrial copyright, of which Crystal or the companies in its Group are holders or legitimate licensees.

Crystal provides no guarantee of the lawfulness or legality of the information and items contained on the web pages of Crystal, in cases when neither Crystal nor the companies in its Group are the owners.

Financial and Legal information

The portal or the websites of Crystal provide no recommendations, legal or tax advice and no other recommendations of any kind. The information is of a general nature and in no case takes into account specific or particular criteria and objectives concerning investment or the financial situation. As such, the information contained on them must not be used to make legal or tax decisions.


Crystal is not responsible for the information and other contents that are part of spaces or web pages of third parties and are accessible from the web pages of Crystal through links or hyperlinks. Nor is it responsible for the information and other contents that are part of spaces or web pages of third parties from which there is access through links or hyperlinks to the portal of Crystal or to any of its web pages; or for the information and other contents on any web page of third parties that is presented under the appearance and distinctive signs of Crystal, barring explicit authorisation from the latter.

Crystal and its information suppliers as third parties accept no responsibility for the information, contents of all kinds, products or services offered or provided through the web pages of Crystal by third persons or entities, in particular, for any kind of damage or prejudice that, linked to the preceding, may be caused by:

  • lack of information or deficiencies in the information provided to users, or in its validity, accuracy or adequacy.
  • non-compliance or defective or late compliance with contracts or pre-contractual relationships.
  • non-compliance with the obligation’s incumbent on providers of services of the information society.
  • infraction of the rights of consumers and users.
  • infraction of intellectual and industrial property rights; performance of acts of disloyal competition or illicit publicity.
  • infraction of the right to data protection, to professional secrecy, to honour, to personal and family privacy and to people’s images.
  • in general, non-compliance with any laws, customs or codes of conduct applicable.
  • any decision taken based on information supplied through the portal of Crystal.

Neither Crystal nor the suppliers of information as third parties accept any responsibility for damage, prejudice, losses, claims or expenses, caused by;

  • interference, interruptions, faults, omissions, phone breakdowns, delays, blockages or disconnections in the operation of the electronic system, brought about by defects, overloading or errors in the telecommunications lines or networks, or by any other reason outside the control of Crystal.
  • illegitimate interference by use of malignant programs of any kind or through any communications medium, such as computer viruses or anything else.
  • inappropriate or improper use of the web pages of Crystal.
  • errors of security or navigation caused by malfunction of the Navigator or the use of out-of-date versions of it.
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